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Jul 18, 20191 min read
How to Take a Centre Ice Face-Off
There is a simple formula to properly win a face-off in ice hockey: 1. The Centreman should try to win the draw backwards to the...
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May 31, 20191 min read
Tight Turn On One Knee
So why do we practice things like a tight turn on one knee? Jas asked me, "When would I ever use this (in a game)?" The answer is: Every...
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Feb 23, 20192 min read
LePuck Stickhandling Evaluation
Here is the first trial for my stick handling evaluations. The main focus is to try and get kids motivated to go home and practice...
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Feb 10, 20191 min read
LePuck's Corner - Trademark Plays
"He shoots, he scores!" The famous quote from hockey broadcasters of all-time. But do you ever ask yourself, "why did he score?" If you...
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